Monday, August 31, 2009

Lessons I learned in week 2

The last week of the previous class I started to not feel well.  By the time my last assignment was due I had the flu.  I wasn't really sure it was the flu, but after reading all of the symptoms of the flu from the school district nurse, I had the flu.

I have only started feeling better the last few days.  The problem is when you are working on a master's program like this one, there is no time to be sick.  When you get behind, it is hard to catch up.  I posted week 1 late, I turned in week 1assignment late and here it is 2 hours from the end of week 2 and I am still playing catch up.

I don't really get the whole twitter thing.  I have yet to decide how this could be useful in the classroom.  Maybe as reminders?  But then again, I feel like my students need to be responsible for their assignments.  Not sure does everyone else feel about this?

New Blog

New Blog. I hated starting a new blog. The reason I hate this is because the URL is FOREVER. It is really hard to think of something that could be useful. I figured this would work.